Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Home, home on the range...

Where the Grandmas and the Grandpas SPOIL.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Leaving the hospital with LEO, oh my.

Tuesday the 26th Emily started labor and successfully delivered Leo. August 27th was a day of nursing, learning, resting and enjoying. August 28th we left the hospital to go home.

These few photos document Leo's escape into the wild, wild west (we live in West Ames).

More later,

Em, Kev and Leo

Thursday, August 28, 2008

MORE photos


Here are some photos from our Leo addition to the family!

Emily continues to be such a trooper (no surprise) and nursing is not automatic. There is a lot of work needed by both mother and child. Em and Leo have been working hard and are beginning to form that awesome nursing bond. Leo is progressing wonderfully and we should be leaving the hospital sometime this evening. Can't wait to get settled and in our routine at home.

More updates tonight or tomorrow. :)

Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes from near and far!

Em, Kev and Leo

Photos, photos everywhere.


Here are some photos from our Leo addition to the family!

Emily continues to be such a trooper (no surprise) and nursing is not automatic. There is a lot of work needed by both mother and child. Em and Leo have been working hard and are beginning to form that awesome nursing bond. Leo is progressing wonderfully and we should be leaving the hosiptal sometime this evening. Can't wait to get settled and in our routine at home.

More updates tonight or tomorrow. :)

Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes from near and far!

Em, Kev and Leo

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leo Clifford Jensen is here!!!!

Leo made his entrance into the world at 10:09pm on August 26th, 2008.

Leo weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz., was 20 inches long and has a full head of hair.

We are all healthy, tired and doing wonderfully. Photos and more information will follow in the next day or two.

Em, Kev and Leo

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Epidurals are wonderful.

Here we are - doing well in the Mary Greeley Hospital. We arrived at 2:30pm (26th) and Emily continued to whether contractions until we decided it was time for an epidural (see title). At 4:45pm an epidural was administered and at 4:50 Emily had her water broken. At that time Em had progressed to 5cm dilation and she continues to be 80% effaced and at station zero.

Emily is comfortable at the moment. We'll post again sometime tonight or tomorrow.


Em and Kev


Well, little Miss Emily had contractions all through the night (25th) /early morning (26th). We went to the clinic so she could get checked and the verdict was 4 cm dialation, 80% effacement and "zero" station... For those not familiar, birth usually happens at a 10 dialation, 100% effacement and +4 Station - SHE'S WELL ON HER WAY!

We are now at the Barta household while Em is going through more contractions and trying to relax as best she can. Our guess is that we will be in the hospital sometime today.

More updates to come!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another Beautiful Weekend!

A friend just pointed out that summer 2008 has been one of the coolest on record. We have had five days of 90 degrees or higher weather compared to the average 22 days of 90 degrees or higher. I am so thankful for this and have been enjoying it with lots of walks and reading on the deck. We have no updates as of this beautiful Sunday morning. We're trying to really enjoy the last few days of quiet and the final days of Kevin and Emily alone time. Thanks for checking in and we will provide updates as soon as anything develops!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Feeling good

One week from due date and I still feel wonderful. I still sleep a solid 8, 9, 10 hours a night despite frequent bathroom visits. We have been so lucky with August weather, not the normal August in Iowa. I am one of the lucky ones who have not had any swelling and my blood pressure is great. For those of you who see me often, you know I have worn high heels throughout the entire pregnancy. Until my last day of work last Thursday, I had on my 3 inch stilettos. Because I haven't been working, my heels have been replaced with flip flops which shocked my nurse when I came in for my last appointment. She didn't recognize me without the heels!

I've been off work since last Thursday so I've been able to fill some of those nesting urges although the nesting instinct has not kicked in full force yet. The nursery is ready to go aside from waiting for a changing table and some shelving to arrive. We're in waiting mode and getting very anxious to get through labor and meet the little one!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Baby Jensen is hours, days or weeks from arriving in this world. Never in life have we felt such overwhelming anticipation, excitement, happiness and wonderment. Our love for this baby is so strong already, it's hard to imagine how much more this love will grow the moment we set our eyes on this new soul. We cannot wait to be parents and we will keep you posted on the birth. Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers and love during this unbelievable journey.