Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One month!!!

It's been one month since Leo entered this world. We are enjoying each moment with this precious little guy!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Healthy Leo!!

We had Leo's two week appointment this past week and his weight was up to 7lbs 7oz!! He is doing very well and we are enjoying the little changes in him each day as he grows. It has been quite the amazing journey and unbelievable how much our hearts have the capacity to grow every time we look at him!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Not quite the beach.

Little Leo getting rid of bilirubin.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to the hospital

Leo was back in the hospital yesterday for jaundice. He was getting sluggish with his eating and sleeping more than normal. After bringing him into the physician it was determined his bilirubin level was too high. To break down the bilirubin he needed to be placed under lights for phototherapy. As of this morning he has responded well to the treatment and we will be going home today at 6pm. Now we need to work on getting his weight up. Because of the jaundice, he became lazy with his eating and has lost more than 10% of his birth weight. We'll take it one step at a time but all indicators are pointing to him being just fine and he should start picking up weight now that he's expelled some of the bilirubin.

Thanks again to everyone for all your well wishes, love and support. Leo loves all of you and can't wait to get to know all his friends and family!!!! Here are some more pictures.....

Em, Kev and Leo

Monday, September 1, 2008


Yep, Kevin has officially been initiated by Leo... Twice.

Little Leo has been able to make his urine escape the diaper two different times while Kevin was holding him. The fun for Daddy continues in new and amazing ways. :) Wait until he isn't paying attention while changing Leo's diaper.

Em, Kev and Leo the little squirt.